Welcome To The Online Ministry of Jerry W. Nash


For the 18 years prior to my retirement, I worked with the 28 churches and missions of Harmony Baptist Association in Trenton, Florida.  If you are from a United Methodist background, I was similar to a District Superintendent.  Baptists have local Associations, Methodists and some other denominations have local Districts, Synods, etc.  A major part of my work was consulting, answering questions, and pointing people and congregations toward various resources.

I learned early on that it wasn’t quite as important that I knew everything, but that I needed to know how to point people toward the right answers and resources.  I still don’t have all the answers, but these pages are intended to be a resource and provide assistance to the People of God as they discern the Will of God and as they do the Work of God.

Hopefully, this site will continue to grow.  I have assembled the skeleton, and hopefully it won’t take long to unpack some boxes and put some meat on these bones.  Keep Checking Back.

Let me know if you have suggestions.  And, as always, don’t hesitate to call if I can be of assistance.

Jerry W. Nash

DISCLAIMER:  Resource Information shared in these pages does not imply endorsement or recommendation.  If you see something questionable, feel free to let me know.  Some of the educational, theological and homiletical material contained have authors who may not agree on all theological positions presented.  Your own wisdom and education, along with discernment and the leadership of the Holy Spirit, should help you filter what you read and help you discern where there is doctrinal or theological disagreement.

Comments, Questions or Suggestions?

14 + 2 =

Financial Disclosure:  Jerry Nash Ministries is not an IRS 501c3 Corporation.  Honoraria from Revivals and Pulpit Supply is reported on IRS 1040 Schedule C.  Contributions and Love Offerings are appreciated but are not tax deductible.

Copyright © 2023    Jerry Nash Ministries
PO Box 805    Chiefland, FL  32644    (352) 214-4123